Fake Food

Like Models, Burgers Also Look Better in Good Lighting

It’s no great secret that food stylists do a lot to make food look sexy in photographs - glue, corn syrup and blow-torches are routinely used to fluff dishes into their glistening, appetizing glory. Just like supermodels, burgers are treated to great lighting and airbrushing to make them look their best, but take away the star treatment and that burger starts to look like, well, a regular burger.

The Guardian’s Word of Mouth blog is determined to shame food marketers across the globe by inviting readers to submit photos of real foods so they can compare them side-by-side with the promotional photos. The results, while gross, aren’t quite as shocking as the human kind - but what’s really frightening is knowing there’s whole canned chicken out there somewhere.

Advertising v Reality [Guardian]

Like Models, Burgers Also Look Better in Good Lighting